Watercolor and Acrylic Paintings

When I'm not doing digital work I'm working with watercolor!
While hanging out with my grandmother (Big Mama), I  quickly sketched her when she looked down at her puzzle. Later on I applied watercolor paint.
Another sketch that I did while eating strawberries with my Big Mama.
Watercolor sketches based on a recent Exo music video, "Hear Me Out".
A series of watercolor where I show how the environment is changing.
A large watercolor self portrait where I described my college experience through objects.
One of the things I loved about wearing masks was the ability to make weird faces under my mask so I asked my friends and family to send pictures of themselves making strange faces and covered them up. I'll keep the mystery of how they look under the masks alive~
An experimental series where I looked at 2 childhood photos and recreated them using 3 different coloring styles. 2 charcoal, 2 watercolor, and 2 pencil.
Watercolor sketches based on an Exo music video, "Lucky One".
An acrylic painting of the items on my desk.
With everyone inside during Covid it felt like there was nothing to do but be plugged in. Done in acrylic.
Another acylic painting featuring random items from my room.


I do charcoal drawings while studying live models as well as still lifes!
A series of still life studies done with charcoal on paper.
A vanitas charcoal drawing using my BMO plushie for my added object.
A charcoal drawing of my dad done on a paint canvas. Fabric representing his Jamaican roots are sewed onto the canvas.
A charcoal study of a ball covered in cloth.

3D Work

2D Work isn't all I do! I love building sculptures and models from various materials!
A personal piece where I reused the support pillow that I had to clutch after getting open heart surgery. The front explores how I felt as the youngest patient in the hospital with this issue that should have been fixed when I was born. The back of the pillow explores how I felt about mortality and what will happen to my health when I'm older.
A lenticular painting done to express how I feel about my heart condition. From one angle it reads "How Much Time Will I Have?" with a picture of a bloody clock and from another angle it reads "After I'm Repaired" with a picture of a heart with a hole.
Sculptures I made of an old computer from my childhood  where I would draw in Microsoft Paint versus the way I create digital art now. Made out of wood and acrylic mostly.
A glass fish and a glass cat sitting in the middle of a pond that I made in a kiln.
A mandela effect painting I did on a box of Froot Loops where I misspell Froot as Fruit.
A wooden arcade machine that I created in the woodworking room. A motor inside makes the joysticks move on their own.
A wooden piece I created from pieces of a chair. I represent how my exterior is gloomy while the inside is bright and colorful.
A monster created from sewn together Jamaican symbols and leftover wood that represents my dad. The underside of the hand has an audio clip that's a clown horn squeaking.